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Communicate with confidence

 Communicate with confidence

Communicate with confidence

Acting with confidence does not mean that you will always get what you want. But let's face it, how you deal is actually important. The way you act when you communicate with others may be as important as the words you say, and sometimes it may be more important. Imagine someone asking for a raise; One of them requests it with a smile on his face while looking directly into the interlocutor's eyes, while the other says the same words while frowning and staring at his shoes or with his head down. Your body language and style not only affect whether you get what you want or not, but they also cast a shadow over the way you feel about yourself. Sometimes we act in ways that lower our self-confidence. It is important for your sense of self-worth to act in a way that makes you feel like you. It is more effective than making you feel helpless. The interesting thing is that you don't have to be confident to act confident! When communicating, actions usually precede feelings. Act with confidence and you will find that your feelings about yourself have become better as well.

Tips to sound confident in yourself:

  • A steady and clear tone of voice: You may need to practice, but speaking in a clear voice without a whisper or stutter gives the impression of self-confidence.
  • Eye contact: Do not look down at the ground or out of the window. At the same time, confident eye contact does not mean constant staring, but rather it means meeting eyes while speaking and stating your point of view.
  • Listening to Others: Listening to others is a way to broaden your horizon and vision of the world, to narrow the gap of disagreement between you and another person, and to show that your belief in yourself is strong enough to accept the points of view of others.
  • Do not attack or threaten: Self-confidence does not It means aggressive. A self-confident person can listen to the opinions of others and respond to them while maintaining his personal point of view or offering compromise solutions to solve the realistic problems at hand.
  • Speak from your heart: Try to communicate with your inner sense of goodness and with your own convictions when you speak with others. And be firm. You may appear emotional, but emotion can exude a sense of confidence.
  • Look for win-win solutions: Being confident in yourself means that you know that going your own way does not have to be at the expense of someone else. Approach the issue in such a way that your position is that both points of view are valid, and that two or more people can win in a transaction.
  • Have a sense of humor: When the matter is extremely important to us, we may find it difficult to Discuss it cheerfully, but humor helps you relieve tension and reflects your inner comfort.
  • Express gratitude: Self-confidence is a completely different matter from arrogance, and a self-confident person has the ability to express gratitude to another person, and there is an additional advantage. Expressing gratitude is one of the most effective ways to strengthen relationships.
  • Apologise when you are wrong, but do not apologize for being alive or for having legitimate human needs.
  • Acknowledge the efforts of others. Also offer and accept compliments, and appreciate the difficulties that others go through. Sometimes circumstances are stronger than us and we do not have the ability to change a situation. In any case, acting with balance, refusing to give up everything to gain the acceptance and approval of others, and dealing with respect are things that give you an additional advantage and make you feel more respected and confident in yourself.
From the book 44 Amazing by: Christa Matta
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